Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Aladdin: Vest

 Grab a purple t-shirt and cut off the sleeves and the neck.

 Measure the wearer and cut off any excess at the bottom so it's the proper size. Cut straight down the center of the front of the shirt. I ended up taking off more of the sleeves and cutting a good 3-4 inches out of the middle. I also widened the neckline. I may end up cutting more length off of it but I'll wait to see how it lays with the pants.

Stay Beautiful <3

Twilight Fairy: Barefoot Sandals & Armband

In lieu of shoes I decided to make barefoot sandals for my TF costume. I looked at some barefoot sandals on Pinterest to see what the general idea was. I knew I wanted mine to wrap up my legs in a crisscross pattern and to come up fairly high. With that and my color scheme in mind I went to my drawers of yarn and grabbed some. I decided that I wanted to mix textures as well as colors. Yarn A. is a kind of silky purple. Yarn B. is a black soft eyelash. Yarn C. is a rich blue boucle. Yarn D. is a super soft gradient purple and pink. Yarn E. is just a standard black. Yarn F. is a deep purple. Yarn G. is a royal blue eyelash.

 A.      B.      C.     D.     E.      F.  G.
 I took 3 strands of yarn C. and 1 of each of the rest, knotted them together and then braided them. They were really long strands and took a while to braid. I made four of  them.

 Then I took two and glued two of the ends together with E6000. There's probably a better way to attach them but that's how I did it. Now this portion was just for wrapping up my legs not for my feet.

 For the "sandal" portion I took three strands of yarn E. and braided them together. I held one end at my ankle and wrapped the loose end around one toe and brought it to my ankle. Holding onto both points at my ankle I took the remaining braid down to wrap around another toe and then back to my ankle. This left four strands of the braid lying the length of my foot. Not exactly attractive. I weaved the two outside strands through the two in the middle creating a braid like texture and tied them off at the top. Making use of an old, broken bracelet or necklace I had I glued half of it to the top with E6000.
I then glued the separate pieces together. I had some old clip-on earrings that matched my vision perfectly so I glued one on top of the connection. one of the clip-on earrings had lost the center stone so I filled it in with hot glue and then painted it with two different nail polishes. The effect was very similar to the original stone.
 I decided to make a matching armband out of yarns C. D. and E. Using one strand of each I braided them together. One long braid. In order to tie it in a little better with the sandals I made a diamond shape out of clay, baked it and then painted it with the same nail polish. I then glued a thin chain around the edges and a shoe clip to the back with, you guessed it, E6000.
That's all folks!
Stay Beautiful <3

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tinkerbell: Shoes

Ok so the inspiration for my Tinkerbell costume is the classic Tinkerbell from the animated feature Peter Pan. If I had flats or the money to buy flats I would have followed the inspiration exactly, but I didn't so I had to improvise. The shoes I modeled mine after are the booties Tink wears in the new movies of which I cannot find a picture of...

So I took a pair of my boots and cut a good two inches away from the edge with my fabric doubled.

I then pinned the fabric together while laid over the boot forming it to the proper shape.

                                                          pin, pin, pin, pin, pin.....
After sewing that seam I placed it again over the shoe and perfected the form.

And again.

Cut off the excess at the top.

Don't forget the back and be careful not to make it too tight or you won't be able to get it on and off.

After I had achieved the proper fit (my second shoe cover was the right size) I used it as a template for the second.

The shoe cover is complete.....

Not quite. I can't forget the pom-poms!! There are tons of tutorials on how to make these so I'm not going to try to explain.

I didn't get pictures but I made a large rectangle and safety pinned it to the part that folds down. They kind of look like elf boots but with the full costume it'll be obvious I'm Tinkerbell. Also, I can reuse them for a cheesy elf costume :D. Look for the other installments coming soon!
Stay Beautiful <3


Well, it's that time of year again and Halloween is just a month away! Naturally I'm making my costume so y'all get to enjoy the journey with me. This year I'm actually going to be two different characters for different parties, which means two costumes. Because I'm making two costumes for myself plus one for my little brother, the second of my costumes will be kept simple. I'm going to be a Twilight Fairy and Tinkerbell, my brother is going to be Aladdin. I think I'll probably do separate series posts for each costume just to keep everything straight... Let the insanity begin!

-Stay Beautiful <3