The tutu in the movie was a pancake or platter tutu (it stood straight out instead of being floppy and fluffy) so, thanks to thesorrygirls on youtube I made mine one as well. Here's the link if you want a little more explanation than can be offered with pictures . Let's get started!!
Cut four strips of fabric lengthwise 12, 11, 10, and 9 inches wide.
Hand sew along the edge of each strip gathering as you go.
Pin the shortest (9 inch) strip as close to the bottom edge of the elastic as possible.
Sew. Pin the 10 inch strip just above the 9 inch and repeat for all layers
Reshape wire hangers (I needed 2) into a roughly oval/circular shape that will rest about an inch away from the outer edge of the shortest layer on your tutu. Once it's shaped and sized tape the edges so they wont tear the tulle and if you used more than one hanger tape them in shape.
Hand sew the wire in between the two bottom layers of tulle. I sewed about five "X"s every four inches or so.
Use feathers and craft boas to make it swanish :D.
This is how mine turned out :)
These are just some ankle pieces I made to bridge the gap between my leggings and my shoes. I just sandwiched the feather in between two strips of black ribbon.
This is the crown I made from the first installment of this series.
Have fun making your costume!!
Stay Beautiful <3
We need a picture of you wearing it!!!! What is the final outcome?!