Recently, a friend of mine said-- concerning reaching out to outsiders/invisibles-- "If they're not going to make any effort, then why should I?" At the time a flag went up and my heart and brain told me that was wrong and that there was a rebuttal for that thought process. Unfortunately, the rebuttal had not, as of then, formed in my mind. This morning it formed.
That statement is of the flesh and as Christians we no longer live for the flesh. We live, not for ourselves, but for God. God has called us to "make disciples of all nations". How are we supposed to do that if we only reach out to thos who reach out to us? Also, because we no longer live for ourselves we can't be focused on what we want/need. Others needs come first. So put them first! Some people needa friend. Friendship is not about what you can get from the other person. It's about what you can GIVE the other person. Expect nothing in return for your kindnesses and you won't get frustrated as easily when they don't respond in kind. Now, I do think the "invisibles" should at least try to reciprocate kindnesses done for them by being a little more open and outgoing with those who were kind. For example: if someone says hi to you, the next time you them greet them first, or if they invite you to lunch one day, the next ask if you can sit with them, etc. But even if they don't reciprocate in any way, form, or fashion we should still show them kindness and contimur to offer them friendship. Jesus sought out the outsiders and He never gave up on them. He made them insiders.
These philosophies don't apply just to Christian-nonchristian relations, but also to, Christian-Christian, and nonchristian-nonchristian relations. Yes, they are based on Biblical principles but I don't think that means only Christians can apply them either.
That's all for today.
Stay Beautiful <3
Friday, November 16, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Black Swan: Tutu
The tutu in the movie was a pancake or platter tutu (it stood straight out instead of being floppy and fluffy) so, thanks to thesorrygirls on youtube I made mine one as well. Here's the link if you want a little more explanation than can be offered with pictures . Let's get started!!
Cut four strips of fabric lengthwise 12, 11, 10, and 9 inches wide.
Hand sew along the edge of each strip gathering as you go.
Pin the shortest (9 inch) strip as close to the bottom edge of the elastic as possible.
Sew. Pin the 10 inch strip just above the 9 inch and repeat for all layers
Reshape wire hangers (I needed 2) into a roughly oval/circular shape that will rest about an inch away from the outer edge of the shortest layer on your tutu. Once it's shaped and sized tape the edges so they wont tear the tulle and if you used more than one hanger tape them in shape.
Hand sew the wire in between the two bottom layers of tulle. I sewed about five "X"s every four inches or so.
Use feathers and craft boas to make it swanish :D.
This is how mine turned out :)
These are just some ankle pieces I made to bridge the gap between my leggings and my shoes. I just sandwiched the feather in between two strips of black ribbon.
This is the crown I made from the first installment of this series.
Have fun making your costume!!
Stay Beautiful <3
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Black Swan: Leotard
Hey Guys,
Sorry this has taken so long to post. I wanted to wait til I could upload pics with it.
Start out with a plain black leotard (style of your preference). The right..... There really is no delicate way to say it is there? The right boob needs to be covered in black feathers (I used liquid stitch to attach everything). Check out the pics to get an idea of how they should lay. To cover up the somewhat ugly stems on the outer edge I created a sort of bow out of black ribbon and added a single rhinesone.
The left boob should be decorated, cupped, or covered in rhinestones of varying sizes depending on your preference. I decided to cover mine.
I thought the leo looked plain still so I added ribbon across the seam at the top with a small knot in it. Also, I added some corset ties (no holes, completely fake, glued on), and some rhinestone curves on either side of the ties.
Sorry this has taken so long to post. I wanted to wait til I could upload pics with it.
Start out with a plain black leotard (style of your preference). The right..... There really is no delicate way to say it is there? The right boob needs to be covered in black feathers (I used liquid stitch to attach everything). Check out the pics to get an idea of how they should lay. To cover up the somewhat ugly stems on the outer edge I created a sort of bow out of black ribbon and added a single rhinesone.
The left boob should be decorated, cupped, or covered in rhinestones of varying sizes depending on your preference. I decided to cover mine.
I thought the leo looked plain still so I added ribbon across the seam at the top with a small knot in it. Also, I added some corset ties (no holes, completely fake, glued on), and some rhinestone curves on either side of the ties.
This piece of the costume leaves a lot to your imagination and creativity.
Stay Beautiful <3
Monday, October 8, 2012
Black Swan: The Crown
Hey Guys, my camera to computer connection is not working so unfortunately I will not be able to share pics of my crown, but I can still explain how I made it. You'll need a hot glue gun and glue, a template for your crown, something with a flat plastic portion a bit larger than your template, black acrylic paint, small rhinestones, and either a cheap tiara or metal or plastic headband. Place your template underneath the plastic and trace it with the hot glue. Allow it to dry for about 20 mins and then peel it off of the plastic. Be careful and make sure you don't have flimsy portions. Now paint it black and let it dry. You may need to do a couple coats. After it's dry glue it onto the headband or tiara (be sure to break off as much of the "tiara" portion as you can). Now paint the whole thing black. Once it's dry add a couple rhinestones at your descretion and you're all done! To watch the video I watched for my instruction click the link
Stay Beautiful <3
P.S. Don't forget to look for the next portion (hopefully with pictures) coming next week!
Stay Beautiful <3
P.S. Don't forget to look for the next portion (hopefully with pictures) coming next week!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Foggy Fall Mornings
Hey Everybody!
This morning I drove in the fog for the first time.... And I loved it! I know, inclement weather means more dangers and the necessity of being more cautious, but everything just looks so different in the fog. Driving down a familiar road now becomes an adventure with new sights! It lends mystery and beauty to an otherwise boring day. The fog was gorgeous and it felt like fall. I wanted to share this tidbit of happiness this morning :).
Also, I am making my costume this halloween and since it is going to be a lengthy process I thought I would make a post on each portion of the costume. I am going to be the Black Swan from the movie with Natalie Portman. I got a lot of my ideas and such from a youtube tutorial by TheSorryGirls (who btw do a lot of fun videos so check them out). But mine will differ in some areas since I will be making my own tutu instead of buying it.... Wish me luck! The first post should be up Monday or Tuesday.
Stay Beautiful <3
This morning I drove in the fog for the first time.... And I loved it! I know, inclement weather means more dangers and the necessity of being more cautious, but everything just looks so different in the fog. Driving down a familiar road now becomes an adventure with new sights! It lends mystery and beauty to an otherwise boring day. The fog was gorgeous and it felt like fall. I wanted to share this tidbit of happiness this morning :).
Also, I am making my costume this halloween and since it is going to be a lengthy process I thought I would make a post on each portion of the costume. I am going to be the Black Swan from the movie with Natalie Portman. I got a lot of my ideas and such from a youtube tutorial by TheSorryGirls (who btw do a lot of fun videos so check them out). But mine will differ in some areas since I will be making my own tutu instead of buying it.... Wish me luck! The first post should be up Monday or Tuesday.
Stay Beautiful <3
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Words Hurt
So, I just watched Cyberbullying by abc family and WOW, what a powerful movie. It really made me think. Who have I hurt with my words? I have never intentionally bullied someone. But what if what I said in jest, caused someone to cry. We have all suffered from hurtful words, whether online, over text, or in person. Matbe it was true. Maybe it was cruel. Perhaps it came from your best friend; perhaps a stranger. How did it make you feel? Did you cry? Did you contemplate revenge? I've been hurt by people I trusted, I've been depressed. I know what it's like to be in that tunnel. What if something I said or didn't say, did or didn't do, put someone in that tunnel? Am I to blame? If that person commits suicide, am I really the one who killed them?
I don't know.
But I'm not going to beat myself up over the past, or things I'm not sure of. Ya know what I AM gonna do? I'm gonna change the world, one smile at a time. What if I eliminated every negative word and expression from my vocabulary? What if I was sweet to my little brother? What if I had a smile and encouraging word for everyone I see? What if my goal everday was to make someone smile? What if I changed the world, one smile at a time? Would you join me? Shall we start a revolution of love together?
Stay Beautiful <3
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Hey Guys,
So I was rereading my notes from a Bible study a friend of mine led a couple weeks ago and just wanted to encourage and admonish y'all. The topic was hardships and struggles. We looked at how Jesus responded to His struggle in the garden of Gethsemane right before He was arrested. We read Mark 14:32-38, which says:
"Then they came to a place which was named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, 'Sit here while I pray.' And He took Peter, James, and John with Him, and He began to be troubled and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, 'My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch.' He went a little farther, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him. And He said, 'Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.' Then He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, 'Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.'"
Now I don't know about y'all but I've never read that passage aside from Easter when we read the story of Christs death and resurrection. I'd never given it much thought. But then my friend taught from this passage in the middle of summer with no reference to the cross. And I finally understood. Jesus struggled that night more than you or I will ever encounter as Christ followers. In that hour of agony and prayer, Jesus was anticipating the time on the cross and before He rose when, because of my sin, He would be completely separated from God. His Father was forced to turn away from His only Son, because I am a fallen creature. I cannot fully comprehend how horrid that separation must have been because here on earth, God is everywhere. I cant escape from Him no matter how hard I try. I can ignore Him. But He is always there. Jesus experienced Hell. Let that soak in a minute.......
But, guess what, Jesus kicked Satans butt!!!!
There was more in my friends lesson about how to handle struggles when they come but I think God wanted me to share this more. If you would like to read about the "how" comment and I'll make a 2nd blog post on it.
Stay Beautiful <3
So I was rereading my notes from a Bible study a friend of mine led a couple weeks ago and just wanted to encourage and admonish y'all. The topic was hardships and struggles. We looked at how Jesus responded to His struggle in the garden of Gethsemane right before He was arrested. We read Mark 14:32-38, which says:
"Then they came to a place which was named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, 'Sit here while I pray.' And He took Peter, James, and John with Him, and He began to be troubled and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, 'My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch.' He went a little farther, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him. And He said, 'Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.' Then He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, 'Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.'"
Now I don't know about y'all but I've never read that passage aside from Easter when we read the story of Christs death and resurrection. I'd never given it much thought. But then my friend taught from this passage in the middle of summer with no reference to the cross. And I finally understood. Jesus struggled that night more than you or I will ever encounter as Christ followers. In that hour of agony and prayer, Jesus was anticipating the time on the cross and before He rose when, because of my sin, He would be completely separated from God. His Father was forced to turn away from His only Son, because I am a fallen creature. I cannot fully comprehend how horrid that separation must have been because here on earth, God is everywhere. I cant escape from Him no matter how hard I try. I can ignore Him. But He is always there. Jesus experienced Hell. Let that soak in a minute.......
But, guess what, Jesus kicked Satans butt!!!!
There was more in my friends lesson about how to handle struggles when they come but I think God wanted me to share this more. If you would like to read about the "how" comment and I'll make a 2nd blog post on it.
Stay Beautiful <3
Monday, August 13, 2012
Decisions Decisions
Well, I just made a big decision and I thought I'd share it with y'all. For a while I've kind of joked on and off about "I'm engaged I just haven't met my fiance yet", but I realized that I actually have this mind set (the fact that my purity ring looks like an engagement ring has nothing to do with it). That I want to have this mind set. Along with this mind set comes the realization that any boy I crush on or fall in love with or date, aside from my future husband, is adultery. So essentially, I'm swearing off boys. I only want to be friends with guys and I am goin to do my very best to keep my heart safe and whole. I'm not saying this is the right way to see dating or the way God wants all girls to live. This is how I think God wants me to see dating and to live and if it helps y'all, that's a plus.
Stay Beautiful
Stay Beautiful
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Hello Readers,
Just a little introduction for ya so ya can get to know me a little better and what this blog is all about. I am first and foremost a child of God and I pray this blog reflects that, even in the "non-religious" sections. I named this blog Radiant because of Psalm 34:5 which says
"They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed."
I am not ashamed of my Lord Jesus Christ. He has made my life radiant. The word radiant and this verse make me think of when Moses came off the mountain with the ten commandments and the people could not look upon his face because he had spent so much time with God that his face glowed. It was obvious he had been with God and that is what I hope this blog will show. I hope it is obvious in my posts and the words I say even when I'm not speaking specifically of the Bible or God that I have spent time with Him and that He is always a part of what I say and do though perhaps not mentioned.
I am introverted so sometimes I appear shy but it's just my personality. I'm quirky and I think I'm fun but you may say otherwise. Fashion and writing are two of my main passions and what you'll see posts of along with what I'm learning in my Bible studies. I appreciate comments and constructive criticism but please do not be cruel to anybody on my blog. I look forward to hearing back from y'all.
Just a little introduction for ya so ya can get to know me a little better and what this blog is all about. I am first and foremost a child of God and I pray this blog reflects that, even in the "non-religious" sections. I named this blog Radiant because of Psalm 34:5 which says
"They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed."
I am not ashamed of my Lord Jesus Christ. He has made my life radiant. The word radiant and this verse make me think of when Moses came off the mountain with the ten commandments and the people could not look upon his face because he had spent so much time with God that his face glowed. It was obvious he had been with God and that is what I hope this blog will show. I hope it is obvious in my posts and the words I say even when I'm not speaking specifically of the Bible or God that I have spent time with Him and that He is always a part of what I say and do though perhaps not mentioned.
I am introverted so sometimes I appear shy but it's just my personality. I'm quirky and I think I'm fun but you may say otherwise. Fashion and writing are two of my main passions and what you'll see posts of along with what I'm learning in my Bible studies. I appreciate comments and constructive criticism but please do not be cruel to anybody on my blog. I look forward to hearing back from y'all.
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