Recently, a friend of mine said-- concerning reaching out to outsiders/invisibles-- "If they're not going to make any effort, then why should I?" At the time a flag went up and my heart and brain told me that was wrong and that there was a rebuttal for that thought process. Unfortunately, the rebuttal had not, as of then, formed in my mind. This morning it formed.
That statement is of the flesh and as Christians we no longer live for the flesh. We live, not for ourselves, but for God. God has called us to "make disciples of all nations". How are we supposed to do that if we only reach out to thos who reach out to us? Also, because we no longer live for ourselves we can't be focused on what we want/need. Others needs come first. So put them first! Some people needa friend. Friendship is not about what you can get from the other person. It's about what you can GIVE the other person. Expect nothing in return for your kindnesses and you won't get frustrated as easily when they don't respond in kind. Now, I do think the "invisibles" should at least try to reciprocate kindnesses done for them by being a little more open and outgoing with those who were kind. For example: if someone says hi to you, the next time you them greet them first, or if they invite you to lunch one day, the next ask if you can sit with them, etc. But even if they don't reciprocate in any way, form, or fashion we should still show them kindness and contimur to offer them friendship. Jesus sought out the outsiders and He never gave up on them. He made them insiders.
These philosophies don't apply just to Christian-nonchristian relations, but also to, Christian-Christian, and nonchristian-nonchristian relations. Yes, they are based on Biblical principles but I don't think that means only Christians can apply them either.
That's all for today.
Stay Beautiful <3